What We Do
AccentHelp’s team of coaches bring years of professional coaching and teaching experience in a package that leads you through the accent with recordings and written materials, plus thousands of recordings of native speakers, along with suggestions of video clips and movies.
Check out this video for a preview of downloading and what each set contains:
The moment you order, our professionally trained gerbils send a link so that you can download the materials to your computer, and then move them to your iPad or cell phone, print them, or burn them to a CD.
We're constantly updating the materials further, adding additional native speakers, tweaking our teaching, updating links - and the updated versions are always free!
We never see your credit card data - that's all processed by an ecommerce site, and they know better than to let us know anything. Here's the Privacy Policy if you want to check out the details, but it basically says we won't be jackasses about your info.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks! -- JJ